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ST JOHN IN MOURNING World Heritage 1 Oz Silber Münze 2$ Niue 2014

Diese wunderschöne 1 Oz Silbermünze ist Teil der "World Heritage" Serie und stellt Johannes dar, der als der am längsten lebende Apostel gilt und der einzige, der keinen Märtyrertod stirbt. Die Münze hat eine Kreuzform und eine schöne Färbung, hat eine Proof-Qualität und kommt mit einem eleganten Etui, zusammen mit dem Echtheitszertifikat. Limitierte Auflage auf nur 999 Stück weltweit!
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99,95 €

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Technische Daten

2 Dollar
Feinheit (Reinheit)
Gewicht (g)
31.1 (1 oz)
Abmessungen (mm)
40 x 40
Polierte Platte
Auflage (Stück)
Zertifikat (COA)
1 oz - weniger als 2 oz
World Heritage
Die Serie
139,95 €

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Diese wunderschöne 1 Oz Silbermünze ist Teil der "World Heritage" Serie und stellt St. Michael dar, der als Beschützer der Kirche gilt und sich für das auserwählte Volk Gottes einsetzt. Die Münze hat eine schöne...
149,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts the Prophet Abraham, father and prosperous descendant of humanity. The coin has a beautiful high relief and is embellished with Gold...
149,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts the Altar Cross, the most important element of the Catholic Church, which became symbol of pray. The coin has is embellished with Gold...
299,95 €

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This beautiful 2 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts St. George, the famous dragon slayer who saved the daughter of the king of Lydia with his lance. The coin is embellished with Gold...
149,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts the Madonna With Child by Sano di Pietro, the most famous image among those of Christianity. The coin is beautifully colored, has a...
149,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts the Lamb of God, expression used to refer to Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for the redemption of the sins of mankind. The coin has a...
149,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts St. Peter in Glory, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ and the first Bishop and Pope by the Roman Catholic church. The coin is...
109,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "World Heritage" series and depicts the Crucifixion of Jesus, the son of God as well as the Messiah, sentenced by Pontius Pilate to the crucifixion. The coin is...


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