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DOLPHIN AND SEA HORSE Delfin Marine Life Protection Set 2x2 Oz Moneda Plata 10$ Palau 2017

Este hermoso Set de dos monedas de 2 Oz es la última entrega de la serie más larga de monedas conmemorativas "Marine Life Protection" y presentan el Delfin y el caballito de Mar. Las monedas tienen tecnología Smartminting, tienen calidad Proof y se entregan en una caja de exposicion, junto con el Certificado de Autenticidad. Tirada limitada de 500 piezas en el mundo!
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369,95 €

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Detalles del producto

Ficha técnica

Valor Facial
10 Dólares
Peso (g)
62.2 (2 oz)
Diámetro (mm)
Tirada (uds)
Certificado de Autenticidad
Set (uds)
Rango de peso
2 oz - menos de 3 oz
Palau Marine Life
El reverso de estas increíbles monedas reproducen dos de las especies marinas más populares, el Dolphin y el Caballito de Mar rodeados de hermosos peces coloreados. En la parte superior de ambos reversos, las inscripciones: "MARINE LIFE PROTECTION" - el nombre de la serie y "Final Edition" - la edición final exclusiva. En el anverso de las monedas reproduce las hermosas sirenas del Escudo de Arms de Palau y las inscripciones: "REPUBLIC OF PALAU" - el país de emisión, "2017" - el año de emisión y "10$" - el valor nominal.
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La Serie
29,95 €

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This cooper Silver plated coin is the penultimate of the "Marine Life Protection" series and features a beautiful Coral Hind, a species of marine fish. The coin shows vibrant colors and high relief and has 25g weight....
79,95 €

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This new coin is the penultimate of the "Marine Life Protection" series and features a beautiful Coral Hind, a species of marine fish. The coin shows vibrant colors and high relief thanks to a new technology –...
29,95 €

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This attractive coin from Palau features a color image of Whitetail Damselfish, which is widespread throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, Red Sea included. The coin is part of a series celebrating...
69,95 €

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This attractive coin from Palau features an image of the Yellow Boxfish, it's a species of boxfish and it can be found in reefs throughout the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean as well as the south eastern Atlantic...
59,95 €

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This attractive coin from Palau features a multi-color images of Mandarinfish, it's one of the most colorful creatures in the sea. The coin is part of a series celebrating "Marine Life Protection". As a flagship...
29,95 €

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This attractive coin from Palau features a multi-color images of Mandarinfish, it's one of the most colorful creatures in the sea. The coin is part of a series celebrating "Marine Life Protection". As a flagship...
79,95 €

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These attractive coins from Palau feature a multi-color images of Blue Ringed Octopus, it's one of the most venomous creatures in the sea. The coin is part of a series celebrating "Marine Life Protection".
69,95 €

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These attractive coins from Palau feature a multi-color images of Lionfish. The coin is part of a series celebrating "Marine Life Protection".
69,95 €

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Esta increíble moneda de Plata es parte de la serie "Protección de la Vida Marina", dedicada a algunas de las especies marinas más bellas. En esta edición - el Tiburón Martillo. La moneda tiene un hermoso design,...
79,95 €

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These attractive coins from Palau feature a multi-color images of Anemonefish, is a species of clownfish that is found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. The coin is part of a series celebrating "Marine Life Protection".


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