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HOLY NIGHT Carlo Maratta 3 Oz Moneda Plata 20$ Cook Islands 2010

A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 16 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands.
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399,95 €

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Detalles del producto

Ficha técnica

Islas Cook
Valor Facial
20 Dólares
Peso (g)
93.3 (3 oz)
Diámetro (mm)
Tirada (uds)
Certificado de Autenticidad
Rango de peso
3 oz - menos de 5 oz
Masterpieces of Art
La Serie
379,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz è parte de la serie "Masterpiece of Art" y presenta la pintura "Christ in Gethsemane" de Goya. La moneda presenta 16 hermosos Diamantes Negros Swarovski, tiene una Proof...
349,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz forma parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y presenta una obra maestra de arte creada por el gran pintor italiano Raffaello Sanzio – Los Angelos de la Madonna Sistina. La...
349,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz forma parte de la serie "Masterpiece of Art" y presenta una obra maestra de arte creada por el gran pintor francés Renoir - el Baño de la Chica Joven. La moneda tiene 16...
369,95 €

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Esta hermosa moneda de plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Obra maestra de arte" y presenta una obra maestra de arte creada por el gran pintor italiano Tiziano - la Última Cena. La moneda incluye 16 cristales...
349,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y presenta la obra maestra de Edvard Munch – el Grito. La moneda presenta 16 inserciones de Swarovski hermosas, tiene un hermoso...
349,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y presenta la obra maestra de Gustav Klimt – Tree of Life. La moneda presenta 16 inserciones de Swarovski hermosas, tiene un hermoso...
1.699,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpiece of Art" y presenta una segunda moneda de Oro incrustada en la forma de la Última Cena. La moneda cuenta con 18 cristales Swarovski, tiene un...
369,95 €

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Esta hermosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y retrata la obra maestra de Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo – la muerte de Cristo. La moneda tiene 16 inserciones hermosas de Swarovski, tiene...
349,95 €

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Esta hermosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y retrata la obra maestra de William Turner - Ulises burlando a Polifemo. La moneda tiene 18 inserciones hermosas de Swarovski, tiene una...
349,95 €

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Esta hermosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y retrata la obra maestra de Shen Quan - Pine, Plum and Cranes, un pergamino pintado con tinta y color sobre seda. La moneda tiene 18...
369,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz, es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y representa la obra maestra de Peter Paul Rubens. La moneda tiene 14 cristales Swarovski, tiene una calidad Proof y se entrega en...
1.699,95 €

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Esta maravillosa moneda de Plata de 3 Oz es parte de la serie "Masterpieces of Art" y presenta una segunda moneda de 1/4 Oz de Oro incrustada en forma de Buda. Las monedas son numeradas individualmente, tienen calidad...
349,95 €

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This new issue is dedicated to Caspar David Friedrich, a german romantic landscape painter and his oil painting, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. A numismatic masterpiece made of 3 Oz Pure Silver, with 16 authentic...
1.599,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 Oz Pure Silver coin and 1/4 Oz of Pure Gold coin, with 17 authentic Swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Dedicated to the Shrine of the Three Holy...
349,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece made of 3 Oz Pure Silver 999 with 24 authentic Swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin. This new issue is dedicated to best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung...
399,95 €

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This is the first Easter Edition of the beautiful series "Masterpieces of Art" and features the painting "Resurrection of Jesus" by Italian painter Tintoretto. The 3 ounces Silver coin has a beautiful color and gold...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 24 authentic Swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin. This new issue is dedicated to a famous masterpiece called Water Lilies of the famous french...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 16 authentic Swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin. This new issue is dedicated to a famous masterpiece called "Starry Night" of the famous post...
1.299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 coin and 1/4 oz of pure gold coin with 26 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Dedicated to the Throne of...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 16 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin. This new issue is dedicated to a famous masterpiece called "Annunciation" of the baroque...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 16 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Rubens was a flemish Baroque Painter, and a proponent of an extravagant...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 17 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov was a Russian artist who specialized in...
1.499,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 and 1/4 oz of pure gold with 26 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. The Pietà was a popular subject among northern...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 16 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Johannes Vermeer was a Dutch Baroque painter who specialized in...
1.499,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 and 1/4 oz of pure gold with 26 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Fourth issue of "Masterpieces of Art - Premium...
1.999,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 and 1/4 oz of pure gold with 26 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands.
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 17 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Niccolò Bambini was an Italian painter of the late-Renaissance and "The...
299,95 €

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A numismatic masterpiece, made of 3 oz of pure silver 999 with 16 authentic swarovski crystals inlaid in this 55 mm coin, issued by Cook Islands. Eugene Delacroix was a French artist who was a leading painter of the...


Eugenio è qui sopra Eugenio è qui sotto


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