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BLACK COCKATOO Birds of Australia Plata Proof Moneda 50c Australia 2013

This brand new coin program is inspired by the birds that inhabit the continent of Australia. Because of the nation's island status, many of these species are unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Beginning with the characterful Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, and followed by the Budgerigar, Regent Bowerbird, Rainbow Lorikeet and Splendid Fairy-Wren, this series is not one to miss.
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59,95 €

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Detalles del producto

Ficha técnica

Valor Facial
50 Cents
Peso (g)
15.57 (1/2 oz)
Diámetro (mm)
Tirada (uds)
Certificado de Autenticidad
Rango de peso
Menos de 1 oz
Birds of Australia
La Serie
139,95 €

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Esta moneda de Plata de 1 Oz forma parte de la serie "Birds of Australia" y está dedicada a una de las aves más icónicas de Australia – el querido Kookaburra. Famoso por su llamado parecido a una risa estrepitosa, el...
129,95 €

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Esta moneda de Plata de 1 Oz es el tercer lanzamiento de la serie "Birds of Australia" y está dedicada a los Lori Arcoiris, aves sociales y activas que a menudo viajan juntas, en parejas. Los Lori Arcoiris encarnan la...
69,95 €

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This brand new coin program is inspired by the birds that inhabit the continent of Australia. Because of the nation's island status, many of these species are unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Beginning with the...
79,95 €

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This brand new coin program is inspired by the birds that inhabit the continent of Australia. Because of the nation's island status, many of these species are unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Beginning with the...


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