
799,95 €
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The Ural Owl is represented by means of a sensational relief. Its eyes adorn two dark SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS. It is a worthy successor of the Gulo-Gulo, the coin of the year 2008 from Mongolia. It is issued by the...
69,95 €
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This beautiful Silver coin is part of the "Endengered Wildlife" series, dedicated to some of the most endangered animals in the world. In this edition – the Spotted Cuscus. The coin features two Swarovski inserts, has...
59,95 €
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This silver coin captures the colorful sunbirds with their brilliant shiny feathers in their full magnificence. The sunbirds are brightly colored, with metallic, sometimes velvety, plumage which is reproduced in this...
59,95 €
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This silver coin captures the colorful sunbirds with their brilliant shiny feathers in their full magnificence. The sunbirds are brightly colored, with metallic, sometimes velvety, plumage which is reproduced in this...
69,95 €
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This silver coin captures the colorful sunbirds with their brilliant shiny feathers in their full magnificence. The sunbirds are brightly colored, with metallic, sometimes velvety, plumage which is reproduced in this...
99,95 €
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Unique silver coin dedicated to an animal species become extinct thousands of years ago: the Mammuthus Africanavus. A real piece of prehistoric fossilized Mammoth tooth is inserted in this beautiful coin. It...
299,95 €
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Hokkaido, 2008 issue of silver proof colorized 1000 yen coin by Japan Mint, the first issue of Japan 47 prefectures series. Hokkaido coin is the memorable first coin of this program and the obverse design represents a...
99,95 €
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This coin is issued by the National Bank of Mongolia promoting wildlife protection. It portrays a swan (cygnus olor), a tender creature depicted with swarosky crystals in the water lili flower. The reverse shows...
1.299,95 €
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This coin is the 26th "Coin of the Year 2009" award winner. It is issued by the National Bank of Mongolia promoting wildlife protection. It portrays a gulo gulo, a wolverine-like creature depicted with Swarovski...


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