
99,95 €
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A dramatic addition to one of the most sought after series in numismatics, the latest issue in the Australian Deadly and Dangerous Series has just been launched! A typically stunning example of the peerless...
2.999,95 €
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Coin with incomparable beauty and value makes a perfect homage to Italian Renaissance genious Leonardo Da Vinci and his drawings. Da Vinci is no doubt the most genious man who has ever lived. This spectacular over 1...
89,95 €
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This "fantastic" and lucky coin is issued to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit which begins on February 3, 2011 and ends on January 22, 2012, according to the Chinese Lunar-Zodiac. This 2011 The coin is issued by...
59,95 €
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Silver coin dedicated to Dugong Dugon one of the species of marine species that are listed as critically endangered. It belongs to "Solomon Islands Marine Life" series and it shows the beauty of this threatened island...
4.999,95 €
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Coin with incomparable beauty and value makes a perfect homage to "The Sistine Ceiling", masterpiece of Renaissance art repainted between 1508-1512, by the Italian artist Michelangelo, possibly the greatest artist who...
99,95 €
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The coin issued by Cook Islands is dedicated to the third Crusade. It belongs to "History of the Crusades" series. The Third Crusade (1189–1192), also known as the Kings' Crusade, was an attempt by European leaders to...
59,95 €
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This beautiful coin commemorates Mother Teresa and John Paul II, two extraordinary woman and man, great servants of humanity. She was an Albanian Catholic nun who came to India and founded the Missionaries of Charity...
69,95 €
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This beautiful Silver coin is part of the "Endengered Wildlife" series, dedicated to some of the most endangered animals in the world. In this edition – the Spotted Cuscus. The coin features two Swarovski inserts, has...


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