
GOLDEN ENIGMA Elephant African Wildlife Black Ruthenium 1 Oz Серебро Монета 100 Шилингов Сомали 2025

Эта эксклюзивная монета из Серебра является частью серии "Elephant African Wildlife" и посвящена величественному африканскому слону. Эта монета из Серебра полностью покрыта Чёрным Рутением и украшена сложным нанесением Золота, чтобы выделить слона. Поставляется в футляре вместе с Сертификатом Подлинности. Ограниченный тираж — 3.000 штук по всему миру!

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109,95 €
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Country - Страна
Year - Год
Face Value - Номинал
100 Шилингов
Metal - Метал
Fineness - Проба
Weight - Вес (g)
31.1 (1 Унция)
Diameter - Диаметр (mm)
Quality - Качество покрытия
Бриллант Анциркулейтед
Mintage - Тираж (pcs)
Certificate (COA) - Сертификат подлинности
Presentation case - Упаковка
Weight range - Диапазон веса
1 oz - менее 2 oz
Series - Серия
Golden Enigma

Реверс этой монеты из Серебра изображает африканского слона, его величественная фигура позолочена. Поразительные детали подчеркивают текстуру его кожи, изгиб бивней и глубину взгляда, оживляя этого благородного зверя. Покрытие Black Ruthenium делает слона еще более внушительным. Позади него – завораживающий африканский пейзаж, передающий дикую красоту саванны. На реверсе также имеется надпись: "ELEFANT AFRICAN WILDLIFE" - название серии, и "1 oz Ag 999.9" - вес монеты и проба Серебра. Аверс этой монеты из Серебра украшен Гербом Сомали, а также надписями: "SOMALI REPUBLIC" - страна-эмитент, "2025" - год выпуска и "100 SHILLINGS" - номинальная стоимость.

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139,95 €

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This beautiful 2 Oz Silver coin features the official Coat of Arms of the of the House of Plantagenet, the incredible Falcon holding the Royal Arms used by Edward III as his badge. The coin is completely plated in...
1.799,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Kg Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series, dedicated to some of the most famous and favoured investment motives. In this edition – the Elephant. The coin is completely plated in Black...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series, dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of one of the most famous and favoured investment motives – the Elefant. The coin is completely plated with...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver Coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to the beautiful winged Libertad, the most famous Mexican coin. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and partly Gold...
79,95 €

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This beautiful Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and commemorates a German fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers – the Frog King. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and partly Gold plated and...
99,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series that features famous and favoured investment motives. In this edition – the Czech Lion. The coin is completely plated with original Black...
99,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series that features famous and favoured investment motives. In this edition – the Canadian Wolf. The coin is completely plated with original Black...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series that features famous and favoured investment motives. In this edition – the Elefant.The coin is completely plated with original Black Ruthenium,...
139,95 €

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This beautiful 2 Oz Silver coin features the official Coat of Arms of the Dukedom of Clarence, the incredible Black Bull holding the Royal Arms as they were borne by Edward IV. The coin is completely plated in Black...
99,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series that features famous and favoured investment motives. In this edition – the Maple Leaf. The coin is completely plated with original Black...
139,95 €

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This beautiful 2 Oz Silver coin features the official Coat of Arms of the King of Scots, the incredible Unicorn that appears on the national flag of Scotland, holding the respective Coat of Arms. The coin is...
79,95 €

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This incredible Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to the Panda, one of the most loved and protected species. The coin is fully plated in Ruthenium, has a selective Gold plating, has a...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to those born under the Chinese lunar year of the Dog, known to be helpful, precise and loyal persons. The coin is completely...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and it is dedicated to the Trident present on the national flag of Barbados. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium, has a beautiful...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and it is dedicated to one of the most characteristic Canadian animals, known for their beautiful ears – the Lynx. The coin is plated in Black...
139,95 €

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This beautiful 2 Oz Silver coin features the battle standard of King Arthur, the incredible Dragon that appears on the national flag of Wales, holding the respective Coat of Arms. The coin is completely plated in...
1.799,95 €

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This incredible 1 Kg Silver coin is the part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to the Panda, one of the most loved and protected species. The coin is fully plated in Ruthenium, has a selective Gold...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to those born under the Chinese lunar year of the Rooster, known to be brave, elastic and tenacious persons. The coin is...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to one of the most famous antique coins - the Owl of Athena. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and partly Gold...
1.799,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Kg Silver coin is part of the incredible "Golden Enigma" series and features a beautiful Elephant, one of the largest mammals on earth. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium, is partially...
299,95 €

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This stunning Set of four coins is part of the incredible "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to some of the best predatory birds on Earth. The coins are completely plated in Black Ruthenium, partly yellow Gold...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver Coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to the beautiful winged Libertad, the most famous Mexican coin. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and partly Gold...
139,95 €

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This beautiful 2 Oz Silver coin features the incredible Griffin of Edward III holding the Coat of Arms of the Round Tower of Windsor, where Edward III was born. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and...
399,95 €

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This beautiful 5 Oz Silver coin is part of the incredible "Golden Enigma" series and features a beautiful Elephant, one of the largest mammals on Earth. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and partly Gold...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the incredible "Golden Enigma" series and is dedicated to the iconic tower at the end of the English Parliament - the Big Ben. The coin is completely plated in Black...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the incredible "Golden Enigma" series and features a beautiful Elephant, one of the largest mammals on Earth. The coin is completely plated in Black Ruthenium and partly Gold...
69,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series that features famous and favored investment motives. In this edition – the Walking Liberty. The coin is completely plated with original Black...
79,95 €

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This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is part of the "Golden Enigma" series that features famous and favored investment motives. In this edition - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The coin is completely plated with original...


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