Опубликовать в6 Годы Назад от Chiara 6337

Hi Dears, it’s Chiara, and welcome or welcome back to Power Coin’s Blog!

Today is a special day because the first Power Coin’s Contest starts!

I’m talking about the “Birth of Venus Contest”, a contest that will give you the possibility to win a 100€ Coupon to get our beautiful “Mona Lisa” Silver Coin at a special price!

To participate is very simple, let’s take a look at the rules!

The Rules

First of all, dears, you need an Instagram account (if you already haven’t it, it’s time to create it!).

Secondly, you have to take your best photo to our “Birth of Venus” Silver Coin from the “Great Micromosaic Passion” series: it doesn’t matter if you didn’t buy it from our website.

Post your photo on your Instagram account and don’t forget to use the #birthofvenus hashtag

 Tag us using the “powercoin.it” tag: to be sure that your pic is correctly tagged, go to our Instagram profile and check your photo in our “Tagged photo” section.

Ok, now fingers crossed! Your photo is officially attending the “Birth of Venus Contest”!

On the 10th October, we will choose the two best photos and we put them in a Facebook poll: you will need your family, your best friends and your mates to win because the photo that will reach more votes will win! So invite them to follow our Facebook page: Power Coin

Good Luck!

Hi Dears, it’s Chiara, and welcome or welcome back to Power Coin’s Blog!

Today is a special day because the first Power Coin’s Contest starts!

I’m talking about the “Birth of Venus Contest”, a contest that will give you the possibility to win a 100€ Coupon to get our beautiful “Mona Lisa” Silver Coin at a special price!

To participate is very simple, let’s take a look at the rules!

The Rules

First of all, dears, you need an Instagram account (if you already haven’t it, it’s time to create it!).

Secondly, you have to take your best photo to our “Birth of Venus” Silver Coin from the “Great Micromosaic Passion” series: it doesn’t matter if you didn’t buy it from our website.

Post your photo on your Instagram account and don’t forget to use the #birthofvenus hashtag.

Tag us using the “powercoin.it” tag: to be sure that your pic is correctly tagged, go to our Instagram profile and check your photo in our “Tagged photo” section.

Ok, now fingers crossed! Your photo is officially attending the “Birth of Venus Contest”!

On the 10th October, we will choose the two best photos and we put them in a Facebook poll: you will need your family, your best friends and your mates to win because the photo that will reach more votes will win! So invite them to follow our Facebook page: Power Coin.

Good Luck!

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