The reverse of the coin shows a sensual and coloured representation of Helen of Troy, also known as Helen of Sparta, was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Helen's beauty and the events surrounding her have been the subject of many works of art and literature throughout history. She is depicted as a sensual woman with captivating blue eyes! The coloration also celebrates the spatula oil painting technique, offering a unique style. The obverse of the coin depicts the Effigy of the King Charles III, together with the inscriptions: "2023" – the year of issue, "CHARLES III" – the name of the King and "D.G. REX" - an abbreviation commonly seen on coins and banknotes, which stands for "Dei Gratia Rex", a Latin expression for "By the Grace of God, King" and "2 POUNDS" - the face value. This coin is no longer legal tender, as it is altered version of an original "legal tender" coin, enhanced by a private Mint in Germany, which is not related in any way to Royal Mint.
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