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Micromosaic and Micropuzzle coins in comparison

Posté sur5 Années auparavant par Marco 6899

Micromosaic and Micropuzzle coins in comparison

Great Micromosaic Passion

In 2017 we designed the coin series with an innovative design: Great Micromosaic Passion.

The challenge was to propose a series of products that had no equal in the coin industry. We wanted to confirm the exclusivity of the project with the search for the perfect mix between art and innovation that has always distinguished the Power Coin brand.

In the design phase we had already realized the potential of this series but we weren't prepared for it.

The first coin of the "Great Micromosaic Passion" series was "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli, which represents the famous Florentine artist's painting. The silver coin features more than 5.000 minted tiles thanks to the Smartminting technology reproduced in a limited edition with only 499 pieces worldwide.

When "Birth of Venus" coin appeared on the world market had a lot of orders, and people engage with, share and discuss the coin on social networks.

In 2018 it was awarded as the best artistic solution (Best artistic solution) of the year in the Coin Constellation 2018 competition and awarded at the IX International Coin Conference in Moscow. Furthermore Power Coin, thanks to this coin, won the "Most Innovative Coin" prize awarded in 2019 to COTY - Coin Of The Year in Berlin.

"Birth of Venus" has quickly become one of the most important and sought-after pieces in the modern numismatic market.

Birth of Venus - Power Coin, Modern Numismatic

Micropuzzle Treasures

In 2019, following the trail of success already traced by the "Great Micromosaic Passion" series, we created another special one: Micropuzzle Treasures. The first piece in the series, recently launched on the market is the "Starry Night" coin.

The image chosen is that of the amazing painting by Van Gogh, the "Starry Night", represented in the form of a puzzle on a silver coin with a weight of 3 Ounces and composed of 238 minted pieces which, thanks to Smartminting technology, allowed an exclusive high precision vertical relief.

The coin is composed by three levels: the first represents the base on which the puzzle is placed, on the second there is the puzzle that is being completed and and on the third there are the missing pieces that’s fit perfectly to complete the “Starry Night”.

Just released, "Starry Night", has aroused strong interest from the public and press, reviewed on the AgAuNEWS website and mentioned on many industry-specific channels.

The hype on this coin has meant that the price rises quickly in few days and due to the high request.

Starry Night - Power Coin, Modern Numismatic

Micromosaic vs Micropuzzle: the distinctive features of the two series

The micromosaic, as a technique, was already been proposed in the past but with only a few pieces (about 10) representing the figure on the coin. When it came out "The Birth Of Venus" was an innovation; SmartMinting technology has made it possible to create a coinage with over 5000 colored micro-tiles, with a detailed three-dimensional effect relief that had never been presented before.

The micropuzzle is instead an exclusive technique, nobody had ever thought of making a coin with the "puzzle" effect. "Starry Night" has obtained a success far beyond expectations if compared to "Birth of Venus": the coin was sold out in few days, massive orders between suppliers and private individuals, positive comments from part of enthusiasts and experts and also the major international mints.

Again, "Starry Night" will be a candidate for Coin of The Year 2021 for the prize awarded to coins minted in 2019.

Birth of Venus and Starry Night - Power Coin, Modern Numismatic

We know that both coins are uniques collector's items, each with its own specifics and characteristics, which satisfy the collectors needs for art and innovation in the modern numismatic field.

But, what do you think about it? Why the micropuzzle has been so successful right away? Which do you prefer? Let us know in the comments!

Power Coin - Collect, Invest, Enjoy.

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