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"Blue Marble" Passion

Posté sur3 Années auparavant 5045


"Blue Marble" is a famous photo of the Earth taken by the crew of Apollo 17 on December 7, 1972, and is one of the most widely reproduced image in photography history.

The shot became very famous because it is one of the few that shows the Earth completely illuminated. At the time of the shot, in fact, the Sun was behind the astronauts, thus illuminating the perfect sphere of our planet.

From the distance of about 45,000 km, the Earth appeared to the astronauts as a "blue marble", from which the shot itself took its name, although the official name of the image is AS17-148-22727.


La "Blue Marble" inspiró una serie de monedas que representan la Tierra. Las monedas de esta serie tienen una forma esférica tridimensional y un hermoso recubrimiento de esmalte, y están muy logradas, ¡como la fotografía!

Dos emisiones de la colección representan Pangea, el supercontinente que incorporó casi todas las masas terrestres de la Tierra. Pangea Blue Marble está ahora disponible en dos colores: Oro rosa sobre un recubrimiento de esmalte azul translúcido y Oro sobre un recubrimiento de esmalte negro translúcido. Ambas monedas tienen un peso de 3 Oz y un diámetro de 50 mm.






Este año se celebra el 50º aniversario de la emblemática fotografía "Blue Marble" y se ha lanzado una impresionante moneda conmemorativa para celebrar el acontecimiento. La moneda tiene una maravillosa forma abovedada y representa la increíble foto tomada desde el espacio hace 50 años.

Aparte de la Península Arábiga y Madagascar, se ve casi toda la costa africana, con el continente asiático en el horizonte.

La moneda está fabricada con 1 onza de plata pura y tiene calidad Proof. El anverso tiene forma convexa y muestra el escudo de armas de Fiyi con las inscripciones "FIJI 2022" - el país y el año de emisión, "1 DOLLAR" - el valor nominal, y "1 Oz.999 FINE SILVER" - el peso de la moneda y la calidad de la Plata.

Sea cual sea la moneda de Mármol Azul que prefiera, puede obtener más información sobre ella en nuestro sitio web:

Manténgase en sintonía y recuerde:  Collect, Invest, Enjoy!


"Blue Marble" is a famous photo of the Earth taken by the crew of Apollo 17 on December 7, 1972, and is one of the most widely reproduced image in photography history.

The shot became very famous because it is one of the few that shows the Earth completely illuminated. At the time of the shot, in fact, the Sun was behind the astronauts, thus illuminating the perfect sphere of our planet.

From the distance of about 45,000 km, the Earth appeared to the astronauts as a "blue marble", from which the shot itself took its name, although the official name of the image is AS17-148-22727.


The photo of the Blue Marble inspired a coin series depicting the Earth. The coins in this series have a 3D spherical shape and a beautiful enamel coating, and they are very successful, just like the photograph!

Two issues in the collection depict Pangea, the supercontinent that incorporated almost all of the Earth's landmasses. Pangea Blue Marble is now available in two colors: Rose Gold Plated on a Blue Translucent Enamel Coating and Gold Plated on a Black Translucent Enamel Coating. Both coins are 3 Oz in weight and have a diameter of 50 mm.


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the iconic "Blue Marble" photograph and a stunning commemorative coin has been released to mark the event. The coin has a wonderful domed shape and depicts the amazing photo shot from space 50 years ago.

Aside from the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, nearly the entire African coastline is visible, with the Asian mainland on the horizon.

The coin is made from 1 oz of pure Silver and has a Proof quality. The obverse has a convex shape and displays Fiji's Coat of Arms with the inscriptions: "FIJI 2022" – the country and year of issue, "1 DOLLAR" – the face value, and "1 Oz.999 FINE SILVER" – the coin's weight and the quality of the Silver.

Whatever Blue Marble coin you prefer, you may learn more about it on our website.

Stay tuned and remember: Collect, Invest, Enjoy!

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