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BLACK COCKATOO Birds of Australia Argent Proof Monnaie 50c Australia 2013

This brand new coin program is inspired by the birds that inhabit the continent of Australia. Because of the nation's island status, many of these species are unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Beginning with the characterful Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, and followed by the Budgerigar, Regent Bowerbird, Rainbow Lorikeet and Splendid Fairy-Wren, this series is not one to miss.
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59,95 €

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Détails du produit

Fiche technique

Valeur faciale
50 Cents
Pureté (titre)
Poids (g)
15.57 (1/2 oz)
Diamètre (mm)
Tirage (pcs)
Certificat (COA)
Boite de présentation (box)
Gamme de poids
Moins de 1 oz
Birds of Australia
La série
139,95 €

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Cette pièce en Argent de 1 Oz fait partie de la série "Birds of Australia" et est dédiée à l'un des oiseaux les plus emblématiques d'Australie – le Kookaburra adoré. Connu pour son appel bruyant ressemblant à un rire,...
129,95 €

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Cette pièce de 1 Oz en Argent est la troisième émission de la série "Birds of Australia" et est dédiée aux Loriquets arc-en-ciel, des oiseaux sociaux et actifs qui voyagent souvent en couple. Les Loriquets arc-en-ciel...
69,95 €

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This brand new coin program is inspired by the birds that inhabit the continent of Australia. Because of the nation's island status, many of these species are unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Beginning with the...
79,95 €

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This brand new coin program is inspired by the birds that inhabit the continent of Australia. Because of the nation's island status, many of these species are unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Beginning with the...


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